August 21, 2020
Minor Change in Workflow
When uploading documents into EHR, please add patient's FIRST initial LAST initial as a prefix to your Nurse Visit Notes and Admission Visit Notes. See the example below:
Patient Minnie Mouse Nurse Visit Note on 8/21/2020
> Previously formatted as "NN 20200821" when saving to EHR Documents Card in patient file
>> Please add patient initials [MM] as follows: "MM NN 20200821"
If you need further clarification, please contact the Nurse Supervisor, Carina.
June 9, 2020
Online Charting Feedback
The online template so far has been well-received!
The main areas of improvement include:
> Obtaining patient signature
> Wifi issues
If you have encountered any issues with the online charting template, you are welcome to revert back to paper charting until we smooth out the details.
Conversely, if you enjoy the ease of the online template and prefer to use it instead, you may continue to do so.
Please remember to adhere to the new communication process by using AMD to send sensitive/patient information only. We no longer support the use of personal email. Refer to the "Increasing HIPAA Compliance" announcement on 5/25 for details.
May 25, 2020
Increasing HIPAA Compliance
We are always improving our workflow process here at PVA!
Effective today, we will no longer support the use of personal email for sending sensitive/patient information. Everyone now has the capability to send messages within Advanced MD (AMD).
Instructions will be posted in our Policies & Procedures section under "Home Visit Protocols" titled "Communicating Sensitive Information".